About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Dancing Tou Fu

Roar! Haha.

Entered the school while giggling after my chase at some pigeons. What can I say? Coffee in the morning makes my hyper. A couple of prefects were waiting at the canteen rubbing their sleep red eyes. Joined Cindi and Nishatta there too, who were laughing when watching the "amazing" birdie encounter.

It may be hard to believe. But im not kidding. Why should I anyway? And besides I have proof.

Well, what I'm trying to say is... JOANNE ARRIVED! With her mom at 8.00am. Cindi and me ran towards the CR-V like lions on National Geography. It's theme music was echoed in my ears as we approached. And now getting closer. Then, we finally meet. Hallelujah.

Puan Shanthi didn't mind her giving a hand. And Joanne happened to bring her prefect's outfit ;) Change! We rushed to the washroom and got back in time to our posts. Sadly, this time we ushered in the hall. Only assigned to " Good morning" and " Please register over here" the parents. But it was still fun, in a rather awkward way.

The time passed, so did the grumble in my tummy. Good thing there was good-tasting pasta prepared for us, prefects. The three of us camwhored to pass time considering that our duty session was coming to an end. The clock hit 10.30am and it was time to go back.

It was a fantastic day! Bye bye

Like I've said, the inseparable

The chique prefect's uniform advertistment

Time: 7.30am until 10.30am

Venue: SMK Damansara Utama

It was: The Annual Parent-Teacher Meeting