My uncle was so excited about playing Need For Speed on his new iPhone, guess he had a better time in the traffic jam than me haha.
That's the cafe- like-VIP section a level above us. I was down at the mosh pit receiving the direct energy of the music. :D
It got scary when the guy in front of me started jumping cause he was so tall ! There were mostly indie people, hippies and twenty year olds among the crowd haha.
The place was packed but even being on time we managed to stand right in front. About less than two feet away from the stage, less than two feet away from Crispian. ;)
The first few songs got the crowd the singing and dancing a little but by the time they played Hey Dude & Hush, it was hard not to jump like a hyperactive kid with a sugar rush ! Wohoo.
Kula Shaker saved one of their biggest hits Govinda for last. The whole song isn't in English but I am sure that it's about praising the Gods. I did kind of enjoy that considering I had no idea what I was singing haha.
It was an awesome show. Thank you, Kula Shaker !
Even my uncle loved them having no idea of what they sound like at all until he saw them perform yesterday.