About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

When I Fell Into A Pool Of Coke

The exams are over! Feels so great :)

Our last bell rang and everybody ran out of the classes. So many people screaming and jumping. Mum came to pick me up since she was just in the neighbourhood.

Mum: Here's a present for you *hands over paper bag*
Me: No way! Thanks.
Mum:Your dad suggested on giving it to right after school.
Me: It's fantastic!

First it was the $3000 Sony Radio

then the $500 Sony Walkman

after that, the $1000 Apple I-Pod

And now....

THE $2000 Canon Digital Ixus 96015.
12.1 megapixel. Titanium made. Face detector. 3.7 optical zoom. Image stabilizer. And lots more that I haven't discovered.

Ignore the pyjamas. This was taken at 3am. Hehe.

Nice right? Better go book ferry tickets for the Langkawi trip. Yeah man!