About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Jukebox Musical

Being a public holiday what does everybody love to do? Sleep till their first meal is lunch. But not me! Caught a cold 2 days back, so I went to bed early due to the terrible bodyache. Tossing and turning at 8.30am just couldn't open the gate to Dreamland. Instead I popped out of bed and got ready for my 24-hour unstressful day. Hehe.

Im going to fulfill my promise today. Atleast one of them ;) Here's a little review on the Langkawi trip.

Jetty Point

We had refreshing tropical drinks

And lots of yummy seafood!

Up-close with the penguins

Mandarin duck. Pretty isn't it?
Unique sea creatures

Breakfast by on the sea

We did loads more so, keep visiting 'cause the videos are going to be posted up soon. Hehe.

to be continued