About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Olympics 2008 Beijing


Doesn't that word explain it all. Naturally pumps up energy in everybody to stay still in front of their LCD screens for hours. " Hunny, more chips! " The opening was extrodinary, of course the ultimate highlight was the traditional torch lighting ceremony. One word, whoa.

Today Mom, Dad & me had our weekly visit to The Curve. Bought loads of stuff, especially Dad who couldn't help himself in Sensibilite. It had to be the $300 shoes this time. =.=

Colonial Times, that's where we had lunch. They played famous hits of Jason Mraz which personally tops it of with a cherry for me other than the cozy ambience created. Cocktail lovers that's your place too! Well, these were some of the stuff I treated myself too.

I have officially become part of the craze. Hehe.

Got to fill up all the free time somehow, right ? :)