About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Nap Time

There are soooo many frustating things in this world. But do you one of the worst ? Not being able to shut your eyes and doze off when you really intend to. Well, last night I experienced that like never before. And still I don't know why that happened.

1am, like any other holiday day night I got into bed wearing some comfy sweats. Expecting to fall asleep soon I grab hold of Turtie and try to position myself after tossing and turning several times.

At first I thought it was the radio. I shut it off.
Then the sky, it felt too bright. Closed the curtains.
Had an itchy sensation on my tongue. Solved that problem with some water.
Pillows didn't feel right. - reposition -reposition

By the time I corrected to what I believe prevented me from sleeping it was 3.30am. Kay, now I had to really do something. First thing that came to my mind was ranting at my bed for doing this to me. Tried that several times & it didn't talk back to me. I believe in magical creatures. It's crazy, i know.

Not too long after, I recalled something from Oprah. I needed milk ... loads of it. Immedeatly headed downstairs, grabbed the low-fat milk carton and I started drinking. And drinking. After exhausting my mouth I settled into my magical bed again. Thank god in about half an hour I was asleep. Really asleep. Wohoo ! (:

Sure, I was red-eyed for today's 6 hour shopping spree at 1u but what the heck.