About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Hugging Pillows Help

The first week of school has given us all a little review of how our silibus is going to be like for the next two years ( and it ain't pretty :S ) we decided to have a fun girlie-girlie Saturday yesterday. Cindi, Kina, Nawal, Nish & Anjelee came over to my place, it was a pretty spontaneous idea.

Nawal & Kina were the earliest, they were here around 12pm after probably having some trouble figuring out my adress. Haha. The streets can get a little complicating if you miss a sign.

They started raiding my room. -every drawer, every shelf, every accessory holder
Apparentally, I have loads interesting knick knacks.
But I call them pointless meaningful junk. :D

Okay, okay movie timeeeeee. :D

But guess what we watched ...

Yes yes, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY which is famous for ruining the peace you comfort into when the day's done and you finally get to bed. There is no blood, no freakishly injured little girls, no blades. It's the fact that the way the movie was presented disturbs the viewers mentally.

Like omg right ? @_______@
And me personally not being horror-movie-type started shivering in bed the night before itself. Haha. But when you have a couple of your best buds around while giggling over the lady's big boobies, you'd barely get freaked out.

Sea Salt & Vinegar Kettle Chips. The most sour flavoured chips I've ever eaten. *wrinkles nose*

Uhh, Cindi was the first one to smile after chewing the first chip.
You guys all know how Cindi's ... different. Haha ! I'm totally kidding.

I love my poser best friend. x]

There was more food, I just was a little late in getting the camera. Hehe.

We got some pizza too ! Mmmm, pizzaaaaaaaaa. 8D

And I can't believe the delivery service lady hung up on us the first time we called thinking that we came up with some random Japanese name to play a prank when I told her my full name. I mean, who does that ? >:O

But oh well, we called again and got our pizzas in time. :)

After the movie, everyone was back up in my room. And we did was we do best, camwhore !

Is it just me or is Nish starting to look more like Nasy nowadays ? Haha.

There's a big tendacy to get some pretty interesting candid shots when you forget to set your timer on. >: D

No idea what's going on here. Haha.

Omg, Kina ! xD

Damn, Belian geeks. =___=

Kidding. Haha.

Everyone left by 7pm. And it was just me & the left over pizza after that. O_O