About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies ?

Thurdays at school are great, just like Mondays - smooth classes, limited books.

Today hasn't been the most active day for me. Probably I could blame it on Tuesday night, where not only me but several others stayed up completing an essay. And with the marching season here once again we did some soaking in the sun later in the evening too. It did burn up the McDs ! So, I guess that was benefitial. :P

Talking about yesterday, here's some of the pictures.

There's one out of the hundred non-camwhores. Haha.

The guys during recess.

Yi Yuan asking me to stop stalking them. O_O

Daniel just can't take his eyes off his chicken rice. Nyumm.

And back to class after recess.

Psst, emo kid ! Don't tell her, haha .

We were even camwhoring during BM class while the rest were doing their homework atleast.

We were hiding the camera behind Cindi's pink clearbook. Bet the teacher would've gone " Wth ? o.O " if she saw us smiling directly at a file for half-an-hour straight in different angles. Haha !

Dommeh ?

School ended at 1:05pm like always then we walked over to Uptown for lunch. The place is so busy 24/7. But that's one of the reasons I like going there too.

It's not a Happy Meal if you don't got yo' happy face on !

Hehe, everyone loves my big candy coloured watch.

Nasy likes pink flimsy convertables.

Yay, let's celebrate for Friday tomorrow. Who wants to go grab some tacos with me over the weekend ? :D