Ahh, so a lot of people I know having been taking notice of the countdown board for PMR. Frankly, I say we shouldn't count the days. Cause when you start counting days, eventually you would start counting the hours ( Like omg, I only have another 1372 hours til' PMR ! ) and probably minutes ... then seconds. :S
We still got two more months, peeps. So let's spend it skillfully and not by turning ourselves into potential high blood pressure patients. 'Cause that ain't dope.
DOPE. I like that word. And have been trying to use it for the past few hours more than average.
We still got two more months, peeps. So let's spend it skillfully and not by turning ourselves into potential high blood pressure patients. 'Cause that ain't dope.
DOPE. I like that word. And have been trying to use it for the past few hours more than average.
Nasy Kiru Najla
-stares at my extra long correction tape
It's pretty dope, eh ?
Kiru ! Dope ?! For a correction tape ?! Hahaha.
Hell yeah, it's like 10m long.
Mine's 12m. Haha. Beat that. >: )
Ohh ohh yeah sure, so that's how it's gonna be, huh ? ... -grabs correction tape from Nasy
Sam Harris is the man for poetic love songs ! This one is of my personal favourites.
58 days to As. Best wishes.
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