About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Time For Lift Off

If you don't feel like a superhero inside, how could you possibly show it outside ? Now to generate all the energy into positive perspective it all begins with your inner thoughts. It's simple really, for example ; Your at camp & there's the wall climbing activity going on. First your all pumped up about it. But after watching several others struggling while being strapped on to the harness, it gets you thinking twice " Well, that looks awfully painful ". Now, that's the kind of negative energy almost EVERYONE seems to vulnerable to. It's sad really, 'cause your letting an unconfirmed thought take over your future actions.

Remember, that the mind has control over what you do to. The more you think you can't, you can't. But flip that the other way around and watch what could possibly happen. One word, amazing.

PS: Those fancy Superman knickers are available at any TopShop outlet for less than $30.


What could you find flooding my iTunes lately ?

Feeling responsible to be generous with optimism today,