About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Awh Fried Peanuts And Melted Jelly

Momma's not gonna let me go to school for the week. Except Friday 'cause of the swine flu cases every school is probably going to get accustomed to by now.

Omg much.

Oh by the way, i even got a jap for the seasonal flu. So, im indestructable now ! :D
-cough cough. NOT. Why am I feeling so sarcastic ?

So, anyways last Sunday we all went to the other house to clear out some stuff. And I got reunited with Woody. Heheee. I missed Woody a lot and almost forgot he even excisted. Shh, dont tell him. Haha.

I couldn't find his cowboy hat. F*ck. D:

Ah, now the sky could be blue, I don't mind,
Without you it's a waste of time,
Could be blue, I dont mind,
Without you it's a waste of time.

* Coldplay Strawberry Swing

We're gonna do this for the last time in our lives. So, let's do it good.

Yeah, I bet you guys know what I'm talking about. I wont mention it.


Jessie's toy at heart says yellow to Woody and you:)

swine flu's getting pretty rampant over here too. all schools over the country are closed tomorrow, for them to be cleaned >_<
you should just enjoy the little holiday ;P

and hey thanks for dropping by my blog!