About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

B to the ANANA

Ring, ring, ring, banana phone !

Don't you think banana phones are so spectacular in their own yellow curved way ? First of all, you can decorate them however you like with even a simple black marker. And it'd look fantabulous. ( fantabulous, something catchy I learnt on Barney ). Then of course, if you keep thinking about banana phones. Their potentials for usage are never-ending.

Whenever you feel like day dreaming of a day in the Carribeans, just take out your banana phone. And start sniffin' away. Caution : We are not responsible for any addiction 'caused by the natural scent of this fruit.

Feel like someone's been tagging you around ? Show them the banana. " Don't chu try messin' with me & my yellow thang ! ". Kay sit back as the lameness is being channelled in some more.

And if your boss insists on getting the job done for the day, why you could even eat your banana phone ! Delicious, healthy and well protected with natural banana skin.

But of course, say adios to your little handy communication portal after that.

All these tunes go round my head, pick me up when I'm alone
This just means too much to me
Insisting on playing songs we know, pick me up when we have shown
Take a chance and let's just see

* Two Spot Gobi Sunshine Lady

Savouring the randomness from the other side of the screen,


Hello Kiru, you have a wonderful blog and you are so colourful.

In the words of YKW, Stay Fresh! :)

Thank you for dropping-by and take care.