About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Blowing Candles { Girl Guides & Rangers Stepping Up Ceremony '09 }

Walking over to Bang ! Bang ! + Staying back at school till 4:30pm + Science class at 6:00pm-7:30pm = Extreme energy flow at 11:30pm after a four hour nap.

Yeah, basically trying to make up for dinner right now by having some rasberry yogurt cheese cake, quarter of a Kettle Chips bag, tea and probably a Snicker bar later. Seems to be working alright. So, I'm going to start with the Girl Guides & Rangers Steeping Up / Down Ceremony for '09. -woot

School ends at 1:05pm as usual, then me, Cindi & Nasy decide to run over to Bang ! Bang ! We got back pretty fast since it wasn't such a long walk. Told you the sausage slice bun things were a big hit, Cindi. Haha. ;)

Kina and Nawal joined us before we were done with lunch then went hunting for our 'territory for celebration' ( why do I enjoy making everything sound lame ? ) in the Form 5 floors. Laid out the food and arranged the chairs. There was pizza too, Canadian Pizza. -shoots a glance at Nasy. We got a couple of flavours, the vegetarian one tasted pretty good. But hands down, Riqa's choco cake was délicieux. Had to say that in French just for the smothered choco on top. They were extremely generous with the servings so Cindi got some on her crotch. Rofl. Not literally, of course.

The game I enjoyed the most was Butts. Where everybody sits on their chairs in a circle till someone shouts " Go ! " they all get up and switch seats except for the three people in the middle who take that opportunity to get a seat of their own. And it keeps going on. First, I was playing right & I got a seat after being the first badge of victims. But nooooo somebody had to push, making me fall right in between the two seats. Bam. I'm happy I humoured everyone, once again. Haha.

The actual ceremony started after that with the candle blowing and handing down posts. Everybody gave me the MJ Ow ! Haha. Congrats to Becky, our new Coy Leader. Have fun with that 50 year old whistle. The ceremony ended with Taps by 4:30pm. Happy day.

Billie Jean is not my lover,
She's just a girl who claims I am the one,
But the kid is not my son,
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son.

* Michael Jackson Billie Jean

Pay attention to the video if your listening to this one by Julian Peretta. Another creative artiste discovered from the universal online videos world, You Tube.

Saluting from the front of a HP Entertaintment,