About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Friends In Arcades

Considering the fact a lot of teamwork and effort was put into the past three weeks to make Samarpanam 2009 ( pictures will be up soon, hopefully ) a sucess as it turned out to be on the 19th, all of us decided to go have some fun at Midvalley earlier today.

First stop, the arcade ! :D Theva and me seemed the most keen on this one. We spent a good hour or two there, just trying out all of the stuff there including the out of order machines. Not like they had labels saying the machines couldn't be used. o_O

Woo, go Theva ? Go Sarvin ? What the hell is Prem doing in the third picture, haha.

Priya & Shankar watching Theva play. :o

I was pretty good at that shooting game thing. Maybe I destined for snipers and machineguns. -gasp


We dropped off Theva & Tivya at the South Court and decided to go get some sundaes. Mmm.

Gayathiri look adorable in this picture with her McFlurry. I belanja-ed three fellas their sundaes, better appreciate it. ;D

" Kiru : What did I do ? "

Chocolate sundaes ftw !

Sarvin insisted we go bowling before I leave. So, we headed to the bowling alley. Those bowling shoes really stink. :S

I played a couple of times then felt lazy and let Khiran do the rest of the bowling for me. Thanks for scoring for me over and over, Khiran eventhough I didn't really ask you to. Hehe.

Everyone decided abandon the game to send me off at about 2pm. Aren't they sweetest ? :'D Haha. I'm going to miss these guys so much. Three weeks wasn't long, but the period of time barely matters when you instantly start feeling like family.