About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Lay Off The Wings

Yesterday, a couple of my friends were ordering McD's for dinner. And when I stated I wanted a Fish-O-Fillet, I got the funniest reactions from them. Haha. This is something foreign to many people. I don't blame them for thinking "You don't eat chicken ? You nuts ?". Almost 60% of Asian dishes are based on chicken. But the reason I don't eat much anymore is 'cause I've just heard that nowadays the chickens raised on big-time farms are just injected with hormones to increase sales massively in much shorter period. Which doesn't sound the safest, right ?

So, our dinner arrives than we start comparing the nutrition facts off the packaging. And ... almost everything off their cheeseburgers were twice compared to mine -including protein, fat & what not. O-O

I'm not raising some kind of "Save the Chickens" campaign. But by managing your own health indirectly, you can help the people who are part of this cause by cutting down on some cluck cluck. Let me say that one more time.

Cutting down on some cluck cluck.

Cluck cluck ?



The meds are probably getting to me. So, I'm off for now ! For more in-detail explanation of the negative effects of chicken intake, there's an article by Dr Gina Shaw posted up. Just for your information, I still eat chicken over the weekends. I'm still a newbie to this. :D

Have a lovely weekend.

Photo credits to : poppy smiles