About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Watch The Kids

Last night, about 10 of us Ranger's got invited to the St John's MK. It started before 9:00pm but we got to school much earlier. Messing around with Justin's DSLR while waiting for the campers to finish having their dinner. Oh boy, didn't all of them look messed up ! That's the best part of camps, we still stick with each other no matter how horrible we look. Haha.

If your wondering why were all in white, it's not because it was some kinda wet shirt party. Haha. Someone picked the colour code for the Ranger's.

" Cindi, yoga .... ! "

I'm so good at ruining her sanity. Hehe.

Aren't we such colourful kids ? Najla's Barney-shade-sneakers are the bestest of the bunch. T_T

Woah woah intense much, Dom ? HAHAHA.

Striptease !

Nah, it was the seniors rehearsing.

Soon enough all the squads were showing us their cheers. And omgosh my favourite was Barbie & Ken. Barbie was simply fantastic. Thumbs up to that dude !

Did some cleaning today. Somehow I feel more sense of self-responsibility without a maid around. I mean, I didn't even know where was the vacuum cleaner was when we had a helper around 24/7. Haha.