About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Please Repeat, Mr Operator

We're busy planning for events once again. Teacher's Day is coming up in about two months & somehow I'm dancing for it ? Hip Hop some more. -____-
Yi Yuan didn't give me a choice. But oh well, I guess I could give it a go. *enthusiastic* But anyways, the organizing comittee for the Annual Prefect's Dinner gathered at my place today. We called up hotels, fine-dine restaurants & more hotels ... for two hours straight. None of them were able to give us the information we needed since it's a Sunday. So, we'll have to drive around KL tomorrow surveying hotels.

He prefers to play with his handphone instead of brainstorming for hotels. >:O

Or camwhoring with me ! Haha.

Oh yes, let the rest do the work. We pose only. :D

Cindi did most of the talking over the phone. I remember hanging up on one of the fine-dine restaurants just because the receptionist talked soooo fast. I mean if you talk like someone hit the fast forward button on you, who's going to understand what your trying to say right ?

I'm sorry, Grace. I just love this picture of the both of you. Haha.