About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

If They Don't Fall For The Cookies ...

Have you ever felt like your at the brink of a life or death situation ? Like your willing to face whatever comes just because a sudden sense of braveness or perhaps curiousity hit you ? Due to some over exagerration & my slight fright towards dogs I actually experienced this about two days ago.

It's about 11am & I didn't have much to do at home. So, I take a stroll around the neighbourhood being extremely aware of wherever I go. Not because I'm afraid of freaky guys in back alleys it's cause of the stray dogs. Everything's cool till I run into this lovely old lady taking her humongous golden retriever for a walk. I smile, she smiles back. After about 10 minutes ... what do I see ?

The old lady was running away from something down the street.

O__________O ! Holy-

Before I could whip up a good escape plan from the stray dog standing across street, it starts following me ! " No no, follow old lady damnit. " Not like it listened to me. At this moment of fear all I could think of doing was turn around going " Boo. " I stared, I think it stared back. Quite puzzled I just spinned back around then, continued walking at an unhurried pace. Ohh emm gee. It worked ! The little devil just backed off. Sure I didn't have the balls to go ahead and do a celebration dance. But wooooooooooo.

Interesting fact we've learnt for the day, people : If your being chased by a four legged tail wagging fella, just go " Boo " or Kiru looks horrific when she goes " Boo " till even a dog can't bare for more than 5 seconds.