About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

We Believe In Healthy

I feel fresh, I feel cool, I feel not-fat.

Why ?

I went jogging ! With Shar. :D

Both of us got pumped with our Nikes on all ready to work out some sweat. But, in the end we decided to take the shorter track around the lake. -__-' Haha.

Two out of the 10% of lefties in the world !

Stream / longkang *Shar referred to as*.

We also played poke the turtle. The monster fishes kept stealing the turtles' bread. What meanies. D:

Psst, that log was covered with ants. We didn't notice it till after. Haha.

Ohh emm gee ! Check this out guys. It's not a vine, but it's two roots intertwined. Very cool, yes yes ? :P Apparentally these type of roots share water, nutrients what not. AND I DID NOT MAKE A RESEARCH ON THIS JUST BECAUSE I THINK IT'S COOL. -geeky grin-

Let's take a closer look ! Kinda reminds me of those pretzel sticks.

We went two complete rounds then, just stuck around the lake take more & more shots. Hehe. The weather was nice. Not hot at 10 in the morning for once. Woo. Maybe people have taken the advise of recycling more.

Shar has dreams ... big dreams. Hahaha.