About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.


A couple of months back I picked out this book from MPH. Only started reading The Bermudez Triangle during the holidays. Not kiddin' it's a really funny and nice book about everlasting friendship. But I happened to miss out the part in the synopsis where it mentioned two of the three besties fell in love. And yes their both girls.

Personally I don't think it's wrong to be bisexual, lesbian or gay. Their just ordinary people with a unique taste in love compared to most of us. Nobody should be judged be alien-ed away from a society just because their different. Remember, one big happy family?

And talking about lesbians...

You know when you really try to ignore the lyrics. It'd sound something like. Da-bee-dee-da-doo-doo-dee. And I love the title of Katy Perry's new album, Ur So Gay! Haha. Going to The Curve now. Let the celebrations for Father's Day begin,baby! :D