About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Prefect's Camp '09 { Dusun Eco Resort, Pahang }

Prefect's camp. Heee. :D Most amazing camp I've been to in my life.

So we all reach school at about 3pm last Friday. Basically getting more & more excited by the second. " Omg, camp ! Omg, camp ! ". Finally left after an hour after getting our cute little fluorescent green tags.

Bus two ! At one part of the journey looking over the left windows made us feel like we were gonna fall over or something. And we would have if Yi Yuan didn't forget to freak out and balance both sides with equal amount of human beings. Haha. :)

So basically after the 2 hour drive, they dropped us off somewhere in the middle of the jungle. And we came up all of these crazy assumptions like our dormes being on hills and everytime we'd open the front door it was a life or death matter 'cause the hills were crazy slopey. But we were still hypering and taking retarded jumpshots.

Very retarded. Hee.

So, they sent a couple of trucks over to take us up to the resort. Uber bumpy and scary just like roller-coaster rides. Except there were no trash cans to puke in after the ride. Lol.

James had the BEST seat. Yeah, he was freaking out a little. Nope actually a lot.

Grace my bunk buddeh ! & Kai Sheng ._.

Up at the resort. Loved the atmosphere there seemed so woodsy and different from skyscrapers and cement-mixing lorries. We didnt do much except getting used to the alien insects. The dorms were clean, thank god.

Saturday was 'the' day I tell you. Started it off with the morning exercise, i mean the most fun morning exercise i've ever done ! We did a little bit of strecthing then used the same movements for songs like My Heart Will Go On, Buttons, One Two Step etc. It was hilarious especially the flying movements for the Titanic theme and watching Horng Qing singing it, quietly though. x)

Second day, first stop rock climbing !

Okay, the reason I posted this picture up was 'cause I love the flying random person's leg above Anjelee & Yi Yuan. Nyahahahaha. Should find out who's that la .

The three lucky arses to reach to the top. Cindi and me went together, and boy by the 7th/8th step my fingers were trembling though I really appreaciated the never-ending support from Anjelee & Nisshata. Letting go was equally fun. 'Cause you can play flying ninja. The dude took a while too lower me down, I like to believe he was waiting for Anjelee who was snapping pics. Haha.

Next was flying fox. Before strapping on to the "flying gear" ( that's what I like to call it ) we had to climb a bridge. A hanging bridge about 200 feet from the ground with 3 ropes. You can only step on the middle one and hold on to the wires on either side for support. Imagine that shit -gulp. To ease the intensity, Yi Yuan and me started singing like it was nobody else's business. We were laughing through You Raise Me Up the whole time. Haha. The other's were too busy concerntrating though. Lol.

Was a good thing we could get on the flying fox in pairs. Obviously, me and my favourite retard went together. :P

River rafting was after we got floured up during the surprise obsticle course. Surprise for me, atleast. I couldn't do all the knotting stuff while we were building the raft so I was the isle. Holding up the painting for all of my buddies to finish creating the art piece we all had to ride on. Everybody's arses got wet either way. :P

Later that night, we had a module. You ask me now also, I cant remember it 'cause I was too busy trying to stretch open my eyelids till 2am. According to Grace & Cindi who were observing me >_> picture a smiling hush puppy, yeah that's me.

Last day, morning exercise again with more flying moves. Heheee. Yi Yuan and me always do it with extra semangat. Lol. The closing ceremony was a lil' emotional for me basically because of Anjelee's superb singing. I started to feel the <3.

Ride back all the way down on the truck. Horng Qing helped us get into the same truck. Hehe. Thanks HQ !

We got the backseats in the end. Muahahaha. >:) Lol. Just kidding, kiddos.

All picture credits to my lovable brotha from another motha, Yi Yuan !

Signing off y'all,