About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

A Freak Like Me Just Needs Infinity

Freedom ! -woot

Since we're done with the exams, time to focus on useless self satisfying crap. Like scating around the house with your socks. That'd never get boring but it's pretty dangerous. Haha.

Either way I'm not a 100% free right now though. There's Teacher's Day tommorrow, Jamesy and me are coordinators for the performances. 13 all in all, I know crazy right ? They actually make up around 50 minutes. Pretty weird ... but I'd love to take the liberty to say that, the performance which grabbed hold of my attention ( which is pretty hard ) for more than 5 minutes was V-Ki's chinese tops. Those girls with the strings were wicked.

Soon Z wouldn't stop playing with my nails. He found them amazingly long & sharp. Yay, I'm dangerous now. Haha. We hung pretty multicoloured streamers around too, Yi Yuan and me were having a slow motion paper sword battle. I poked him in the tummy. :D

Oh-emm-gee, can't wait for hols.
Two more days, peeps.