About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Finals are coming......

Hey ppl its me again! Wutz up? For me, the finals are coming soon. Lately Iv been spending most of my time glaring at my books for hours. It feels as if Im sitting for UPSR again. I really am dying to get gud grades this time. The weird part is when i study a lot I get GOOD grades but when I study when I want to I get BETTER grades.Weird eh?No matter what Im not gonna take any chances for the final which determines my class next year. As long as Im in one of the first few class ( no where near Teratai or the horibleh classes ) and with Cindi, Joanne and Firb I'll be satisfied^^Today, I decided to change my layout and upload some new videos onto the blog. So check em out. Im sure most of r not familiar with First time-Lifehouse well.It seriously rox! Its the second video up there. Btw Nath's b'day is coming soon.Im gonna get her gift tomorrow.I could get her that soft toy she's been dying for but I'll think abt I guess.Enjoy! Lucas's gotta go now! Ciao now!