About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

I'd rather stay back at home :)

Rite back at you Joanne! Haha. Anyway, yesterday we had school but I didnt go and what after Joanne blogged about I don't regret it. 'cause our finals are coming REALLY SOON. So iv decided to start revising and studying more and more. I know I sound like a smarty-pants currently, but if i don't study right now I might end up in one of the last classes ( And that isn't gonna happen! ). There's so much to study and so little time.

Today, Cindi came over and we started memorising all that literature crap...ahh its all so complicating and leceh. But Im not gonna give up. Im using all the freedom after exams to motivate me and study more. Its how it works for me. Thank god there's this 1 week break in between the exams ( PMR week ). Should be enough to get all those KH , Sejarah and GEO facts in. Counting down till the finals are over. LOL

Well enough of all of that stressing out talk . Have you guys heard Everything by Micheal Buble? That song always gets me going . LOL. Makes me feel much happier. I just love his voice and the music it all goes so well. I almost forgot earlier this evening Cindi and me were recording this last-minute video thing. It was like a remake of The Day After Tomorrow. Towards the ending of the video Cindi ran upstairs and hid under a table. And then suddenly the table toppled over. There was Cindi flat on the floor and stuck under a heavy wood table but she wasn't squashed or hurt by it.LOL. Its time I get back . Ciao!