About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.

Serious Isn't Professional

Today's registration was pretty ok. As I was rushing into the school compound THE Cindi and Joanne spotted me. Even before I could start a conversation with them, big hugs filled the air. Yes, they hugged me real hard. I didn't see it coming though. Haha! The three of us were usherers AKA one of the best jobs a prefect could get. Yay! And our new assistant head prefect, Nasyitah kept checking on us.

Me: Hey , assitant head prefect!

Snape: Why is it hard to believe?

Me:Yes, very. *smiles*

Snape: Haha!

The wheather was killer at about 3pm. Some of the parents even pittied looking at us with our blazers on in the hot sun. Haha! Water feels so good when your in thirst. And I experienced that earlier today.

Other than that, we were having a blast! Everytime the "coast was clear" Cindi would take out her handphone and all of us ( Joanne, Man Ling,Cindi and mua ) would camwhore to the max :D

My parents came at about 4.45pm and Cindi decided to follow us to Keen's. We had super HOT AND SPICY prawn noodle soup. Which wasn't actually a good thing when the soup hit my chin caused my to jump and my chopsticks to drop off my bowl. My "brother" one the other hand, was literally crying because of the taste. Wiping our tears we left the shop. Haha!
It was a good day. Im glad I went to school and had a great time with my friends.

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