About The Wako

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Who's too chicken to dance in public ? Who's too chicken to dip bananas in spicy sauce ? Who's too chicken to parade around with their underwear as headwear ? Not me.


The holidays are moving kinda slow..All Im can do now is shoot a few hoops,lepak at The Curve or strum my guitar.But after a while it gets all boring.Im sure ill eventually find something to do.I was actually thinking of getting a frinch.When I told Joanne .She said"Yea u should get one".Then we talked abt loads of stuff...even my party haha!Still planning it..

Yesterday well I only went 2 bed abt 4am and I had 2 get up abt 9am coz had 2 go breakfast.The minute I got home I fell asleep on my bed and slept through lunch.Only,got up at abt 5pm.Haha!By then my mum left 4 some wedding thing.I think Im gonna call Cindi and ask her 2 come over.I dunno why Im so fast Im actually ALMOST DONE with my science prjct while the others hav barely started.Haha!No wonder im getting bored so fast....Haha!Chao!